Table of Contents

🧊 What is ICED Grants?

The ICE Developer Grant Program (ICED Grants) is a grant program dedicated to growing the SNOW and ARCTIC developer community by providing funding for core infrastructure projects and facilitating communication with the core team. ICON has generously committed a total of $100K in grants for ICED Grants until ICE launches its mainnet. Grant recipients will have direct access to technical support from the core team while building on SNOW and ARTIC. For details on application criteria, please read further.

⛷ Grant Categories and Instructions

Available Grant Categories Phase 1: INITIAL LAUNCH (May 9th, 2022)

🔵 DEV & ECOSYSTEM TOOLS - Temporarily funded by ICON (until post-mainnet).

🔵 COMMUNITY - In time, ICE will launch its native CPS or fund grants with native tokens.

Available Grant Categories Phase 2: LAUNCH DATE TBD

🔵 BUG BOUNTY - Temporarily funded by ICON (until post-mainnet). The ICE Core Team will list bounties on ****with bug-bounty labels. You can open a PR against these tickets to claim the bug bounty.

🔵 APP BOUNTY - Temporarily funded by ICON (until post-mainnet). The ICE Core Team will list small projects (an ICE wishlist) and set bounties for them; folks can open PRs and claim these bounties.


What do I need to prepare for the grant application?

We recommend the following to be ready prior to application:

Where do I apply for this grant?

On our Github repository, open a new Issue. We will have an application form as an issue template created for you. (no need to copy below; the Issue template will be ready on our repository)

### Application Type
Please check one below.

Please check all which apply.
- [ ] BTP
- [ ] DApp bounty
- [ ] DeFi
- [ ] Gaming
- [ ] NFT
- [ ] Social good
- [ ] DAO
- [ ] DID
- [ ] Cross-chain
- [ ] Other (Please specify)

### **Team Introduction**
- Who is the main liaison? Who’s working on this project as which role, and what experiences do they have?

### Grant Request Amount
- How much would this project need? We'd love to see details of your estimation of this project as well as the projected fund distribution and schedule for your team.

### **Project Description**
- Here’s a [[PRD Template](<>)](<>) for your convenience. Getting these requirements filled out will not only help your project toward a vision, but help us understand what value it can bring for the community.

### **Milestone Duration**
- Which of the following describes your milestone? 1 month / 3 month / 6 month
- What are the deliverables for this milestone duration?

I applied. Now what?