
1. Create a tool or service to simplify tracking and estimating transactions through the xCall system


Tokens / Winner Winners Notes
50,000 2 1 for best tracking, 1 for best estimation

Evaluation Criteria

One winner will be for the tool that best simplifies the process of tracking transactions, and one for estimating cost and speed of transactions

How to Submit

Please fill out this submission challenge form, selecting the relevant task


One of the appealing features of xCall is the ability to facilitate cross-chain transactions with a simple interface for developers. Developers for this challenge should focus on simplifying the developer experience related to understanding the cost, speed, and status of transactions through the xCall system. The two aspects of this are estimating prior to the transaction and tracking during the transaction:

  1. Create a tool or service to track the status of transactions as they make their way through the xCall system. Maybe this will be like a postal service tracker, where you can enter the transaction ID and the status shows up

    Users of a blockchain that is connected to other blockchains must feel confident that their transaction is processed correctly. Likewise, developers of dApps must be able to understand where the transaction is in the process and what their next step should be. For this, all transactions must be tracked

  2. Create a tool or service to speed of xCall transactions

    This tool should be accurate with estimates of gas cost and time-to-verification of a transaction prior to the transaction being sent

    Be creative with finding insightful ways to determine this data. For instance, this data may come as a moving average of existing cost and speed data, or it may come from something like an artificial intelligence model

Additional Resources

xCall Documentation